
[origin: italian] firefly

our definition
letting our books be a guiding light to your inner darkness

Libri di Lucciola is the only publishing company solely focused on publishing romance books of the darker variety.
Trigger warnings are our checklists.
We are team red flags and morally gray anti-heroes all the way.

We don't believe in the banning or censoring of books. Give us all of your fucked up yums; we won't yuck them here.

Not only are we publishing books, but we're determined to make Lucciola a safe-space for the community of dark romance readers.
Come 2024, dark romance enthusiasts will have access to:
an exclusive bookish podcast
dedicated author/reader forums
indie author resources
and more!

Follow our social media for all Lucciola updates.
We look forward to guiding you to the dark side.